Friday 11 April 2014

Social Cycle

Alternative Choices

The Future of Nightlife

Under the "Influence"

Aria Lounge ( Ariapita Avenue)

What influences our decisions when it comes to social life? What makes one particular area better than the other? Our preferences are determined, not just by physical attributes i.e. the way a place looks; it is also determined by what environments we are exposed to most on a social setting. I made it my business to visit numerous places that are considered to be upper class social settings vs lower and middle class social settings. Affordability is one major aspect that can be controlled by the business owner but as far as individual preference goes, it is mainly influenced by the environment we are most exposed to at the point in time. We tend have a taste for current music, trends, fashion; which are all subjective to change as the social environment does.

As the city of Port of Spain becomes more urbanized, its social sector is expanding at an increasing rate to meet the social demands of its population. Trinidad is a small island nation and the three most popular and widely dependent urban areas are Port-of-Spain in the north, Chaguanas in central Trinidad and San Fernando in southern Trinidad. These three areas are the main urban areas where most of the social activities take place. Port-of-Spain being being the capital of Trinidad' urban activity and development, especially for the social sector takes place more rapidly than the other two areas. Persons leave the central and southern regions to come into Port-of-Spain to experience the leisures available.

Nightlife....more than just a social setting

Networking taking place for DiQ event

Mixing business with pleasure is often frowned upon. Many socialites in Trinidad gladly welcome the combination. Many business persons use the social resources found in our capital as means of networking. Social spaces that are said to attract social elites and persons of a high caliber are ideal areas for such meetings. It is actually a social norm in the city of Port-of-Spain. Restaurants and lounges have areas for dinner meetings. Companies rent out rooms at clubs and lounges to have media launches and business parties; the ideal environment for networking.

Small business meeting for Du Jour hair company

What food can I get at this hour of the night?

Believe it or not, food is actually a big part of urban nightlife culture. Aside from late night and early morning party goers rushing to fill their stomachs with sustenance to curb the alcohol, persons actually leave their homes to visit the numerous roadside food outlets to have hot and tasty local delicacies. From hot doubles, gyros, corn soups, punches, pies, even the coconut man. In Port of Spain, late night food is always available. Other than Ariapita avenue, one spot famous for such is the Queen's Park Savannah. The second largest round-about in the world and part of it is allocated to persons in search of quality local delicacies at nighttime.

The link below shows a wide range of well known restaurants often visit by our locals and preferred by our visitors

Date Night or Everynight?

Girls Night Out
JMalones Irish Pub (Movie Towne)

For a more intimate setting, whether it be girls night out, family night or date night; there are many spots that can suit this agenda. Set in the western end of Port of Spain is Movie Towne. A small upscale area, where you can find numerous high end restaurants, a quaint shopping plaza and the famous movie towne cinema.

Movie Night
Movie Towne Cinema

Visiting movie towne can be a norm for some and a luxury for others; according to the lifestyle you live. The steep prices here help to distinguish the upper class from the lower class. Some persons frequent the area almost everyday whether it is to make grocery shopping, to buy clothing or just to chill with friends after school. Its location makes it ideal for persons who live in the upscale suburban areas of the West to visit it often. Persons coming from much further east rarely visit the area once a month or even less. In Trinidad the west is associated with the upper class and the East  is associated with the middle and lower classes.

Monday 7 April 2014

The "Ave" Part 2

Photo taken at Kcasa de Italia on Ariapita Avenue

The many clubs and lounges found on the Ariapita avenue have to put up with competition from each other for customers. The best way to do so for them is to have drinks and party specials especially for the females and Tertiary level students. The expense is taken out of "liming" with all the "free before 11pm", "free drinks all night", "free entry for tertiary level students", specials. This enhances the social activity taking place on the avenue and even for many food vendors who come out at the wee hours of the morning to catch the hungry patrons on their way home after a night of partying.

Video showcasing party attended mostly by tertiary level students during summer vacation.

Many of these clubs even though they have their own party specials, they give specials for persons who wish to have private parties or gatherings. Most of them include private party rooms for persons who wish to enjoy the entertainment of the club in their own private circles. These high ended lounges are quite exquisite and with proper entertainment from some of the most popular DJs in Trinidad gracing their stages  once or twice a week, patrons flock to their venues in hopes of a good time.

Photo taken at Rosscos (Ariapita Avenue)

University students often frequent the avenue. The average age group that spend the most time at these clubs and lounges ranges from 19-26; which is considered prime university age. It is true that "all work and no play makes jack a dull boy", but it is most time argued that because many of these nightclubs offer such great deals and specials on partying for university students, it is more than just a brain cooler but more so a distraction. Many early morning accidents and road fatalities that take place in urban areas or on the highways is due to drunk driving; many of the victims are young adults.

Friday 4 April 2014

The "Ave" Part 1

In every urban center there is an area or multiple areas allocated for social activities. In the global north, in larger countries like the US and Canada, these areas are quite extensive and often busy 24/7 365 days a year. The larger Caribbean countries such as Jamaica and Trinidad have been working to increase the social sector as it brings in a reasonable amount of revenue. For Trinidad a.k.a the party island, its social sector is always booming whether it be during the week or on weekends, and especially on any of the 21 public holidays in existence. The most famous area for social activity is the Ariapita Avenue. This 1.81 km stretch is always bustling with activities. From the numerous nightclubs, lounges,high end restaurants, fast food restaurants and bars there is always a crowd. There are also a number of small businesses ideally set up to benefit from the constant visitation of persons to the avenue. 

Photo taken at Adam Smith square on Ariapita Avenue

The "Ave", as it is often nicknamed, provides for a wide variety of cultures and classes. It is interesting to note the differences in establishments and you continue west along the avenue. Eventually the high end restaurants,clubs and lounges give way to more outdoor, walk-in bars and street side parties. On weekends it is easy to differentiate where the upper class elite choose to spend their leisure time versus where the lower classes spend their time. What is the major cause of this variation? Does this mean that because i am of a lower economic class I cannot spend my leisure time at a high end club? What are the determining factors behind this disparity? Most establishments set out on the avenue with the mindset of attracting a more sophisticated clientele. They do so by implementing sophisticated dress codes and having higher entry fee prices, food and drink prices. Some clubs are even known for turning away persons because of the texture of their hair or particular hairstyles. Are these establishments wrong for influencing the type of crowd they would like to attract? How much does physical appearance influence patterns of social structure within this country? 

Photo of Bella at the western end of Ariapita Avenue