Friday 4 April 2014

The "Ave" Part 1

In every urban center there is an area or multiple areas allocated for social activities. In the global north, in larger countries like the US and Canada, these areas are quite extensive and often busy 24/7 365 days a year. The larger Caribbean countries such as Jamaica and Trinidad have been working to increase the social sector as it brings in a reasonable amount of revenue. For Trinidad a.k.a the party island, its social sector is always booming whether it be during the week or on weekends, and especially on any of the 21 public holidays in existence. The most famous area for social activity is the Ariapita Avenue. This 1.81 km stretch is always bustling with activities. From the numerous nightclubs, lounges,high end restaurants, fast food restaurants and bars there is always a crowd. There are also a number of small businesses ideally set up to benefit from the constant visitation of persons to the avenue. 

Photo taken at Adam Smith square on Ariapita Avenue

The "Ave", as it is often nicknamed, provides for a wide variety of cultures and classes. It is interesting to note the differences in establishments and you continue west along the avenue. Eventually the high end restaurants,clubs and lounges give way to more outdoor, walk-in bars and street side parties. On weekends it is easy to differentiate where the upper class elite choose to spend their leisure time versus where the lower classes spend their time. What is the major cause of this variation? Does this mean that because i am of a lower economic class I cannot spend my leisure time at a high end club? What are the determining factors behind this disparity? Most establishments set out on the avenue with the mindset of attracting a more sophisticated clientele. They do so by implementing sophisticated dress codes and having higher entry fee prices, food and drink prices. Some clubs are even known for turning away persons because of the texture of their hair or particular hairstyles. Are these establishments wrong for influencing the type of crowd they would like to attract? How much does physical appearance influence patterns of social structure within this country? 

Photo of Bella at the western end of Ariapita Avenue

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