Friday 11 April 2014

Date Night or Everynight?

Girls Night Out
JMalones Irish Pub (Movie Towne)

For a more intimate setting, whether it be girls night out, family night or date night; there are many spots that can suit this agenda. Set in the western end of Port of Spain is Movie Towne. A small upscale area, where you can find numerous high end restaurants, a quaint shopping plaza and the famous movie towne cinema.

Movie Night
Movie Towne Cinema

Visiting movie towne can be a norm for some and a luxury for others; according to the lifestyle you live. The steep prices here help to distinguish the upper class from the lower class. Some persons frequent the area almost everyday whether it is to make grocery shopping, to buy clothing or just to chill with friends after school. Its location makes it ideal for persons who live in the upscale suburban areas of the West to visit it often. Persons coming from much further east rarely visit the area once a month or even less. In Trinidad the west is associated with the upper class and the East  is associated with the middle and lower classes.

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