Friday 11 April 2014

What food can I get at this hour of the night?

Believe it or not, food is actually a big part of urban nightlife culture. Aside from late night and early morning party goers rushing to fill their stomachs with sustenance to curb the alcohol, persons actually leave their homes to visit the numerous roadside food outlets to have hot and tasty local delicacies. From hot doubles, gyros, corn soups, punches, pies, even the coconut man. In Port of Spain, late night food is always available. Other than Ariapita avenue, one spot famous for such is the Queen's Park Savannah. The second largest round-about in the world and part of it is allocated to persons in search of quality local delicacies at nighttime.

The link below shows a wide range of well known restaurants often visit by our locals and preferred by our visitors

1 comment:

  1. I like the concept of your blog on the whole but i found this particular entry very appealing after all its food. I also find it interesting that my blog on the informal sector could actually link to this post as some of the above mentioned foods may or may not come form persons within the sector.
